Water Law

Guerrero Olivos has an interdisciplinary team of experts in water law, that represent local and international clients from the mining, agribusiness, industrial and hydroelectric industries. They work from a pre-emptive and strategic angle to develop the most efficient planning for each client, with a special focus on the wide range of uses of this hydric resource.

Our experienced team is dedicated to assist our clients in obtaining new water rights, transferring existing ones, and in the negotiation and drafting of complex water supply and water purchase and sale agreements for all kinds of projects.

We handle day-to-day legal issues arising from the development and operation of our clients’ business and represent them in the protection of water rights through a periodic monitoring process of third parties’ request within our clients’ areas of interest, and through judicial instances.

For a productive and efficient use of hydric resources, and therefore a more efficient development of our clients’ projects, we advise our clients in the optimization of water rights, including intake and restitution transfer applications, modification of water supply sources, water intake and hydraulic works authorizations, and water disposal.

We have considerable experience advising our clients’ projects in water and environmental assessments and permitting procedures, and a team of experts in inspections and sanctioning processes.

What our clients say:

“Client feedback: “the team has very good knowledge and a comprehensive insight into the water rights field, they are efficient and very professional.”

Chambers and Partners 2022

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