Practice area:

Associate in the area of labor, employment and migration law. He specializes in labor litigation, collective bargaining and fundamental rights procedures.

Education and Experience
  • Law, Universidad de Chile (2014).
  • Law, Exchange Programme, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2014).
  • Advisor Attorney, Chilean Army (2017-2018).
  • Diploma in Labour Law and Litigation, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2019).
  • Diploma in Legal Pedagogy: Active Learning and Educative Investigation, Universidad de Chile (2021).
  • Master (c) in Labour and Social Security, Faculty of Law, Universidad de Chile.

In the academic field, José Luis is assistant professor of Labor Law at Universidad de Chile and Executive Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course “Administrative and Sanctioning Labor Law” (2018-present), at the same university. He is also an undergraduate and postgraduate professor of the Department of Labor Law at Universidad del Desarrollo.

Spanish and English
Imminent Implementation of the 40 Hours Labour Law (Law Nr. 21.561)
Main aspects of the law: 1- Progressive reduction of the workday to 44 hours in April 2024, 42 in April 2026, and 40 hours in April 2028.2- ...