Practice area:

Associate in the area of labor law, employment, and migration. She specializes in labor law, labor compliance, and topics related to Social Security.

Before joining Guerrero Olivos, she worked as a labor lawyer in various law firms in the country and as an advisor on Social Security matters at the Ministry of Labor.

Education and Experience
  • Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2020)
  • Diploma in Labour Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2019)
  • Labor Litigation Course, Universidad de los Andes (2020)
  • Diploma in Administrative Law, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (2022)
Spanish and English
Imminent Implementation of the 40 Hours Labour Law (Law Nr. 21.561)
Main aspects of the law: 1- Progressive reduction of the workday to 44 hours in April 2024, 42 in April 2026, and 40 hours in April 2028.2- ...